
Psycho Club Program


Psycho Club is a cycle of seminars, organized jointly by all Psychology departments and laboratories. It comprises a variety of seminar formats.

For information or proposals:


Psycho Club Program


29th April 2025, h 14:30, room 2A (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Dr. Federica Angelini and Prof. Gianluca Gini
Prof. Silje Steinsbekk (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Title: Social media use in adolescents. Prospective relations with self-esteem, mental health, social skills and time with friends. Findings from the Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS).


14th April 2025, h 14:30, room 2B (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Michelangelo Vianello
Prof. Brian O'Shea (Department of Psychology, Harvard University, The Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination, Aarhus University)
Title: The impact of regional infectious disease prevalence on pre-political beliefs, partisan preference and intergroup tensions


8th April 2025, h 14:30, room 2C (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Giada Viviani (Università degli Studi di Padova; DPSS)
Title: Cognitive stability and beyond: expanding the boundaries of cognitive control


25th March 2025, h 10:30, room 2A (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Gianluca Campana
Prof. John Greenwood (UCL Experimental Psychology)
Title: A common basis for crowding in typical & atypical vision


20th February 2025, h 14:30, room 2E (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Dario Nardini (DiSSGeA, University of Padova)
Title: Sport (and the body) through the lens of cultural anthropology


11th February 2025, h 14:30, room 2C (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Francesco Vespignani
Dr. Nicoletta Biondo (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language)
Title: Sentence comprehension and its neural basis: A lesion-symptom mapping perspective


29th January 2025, h 14:30, room 2D (PSICO 2 building)
Prof. Andrey Chetverikov (University of Bergen)
Title: The Puzzle of Contextual Biases: Why Can’t We Ignore Irrelevant Information?


23rd January 2025, h 14:30, room 2E (PSICO 2 building)
Prof. Alessio Fracasso (Università degli Studi di Padova; DPG)
Title: Mapping Motor and Visual Space in Human Cortex and Midbrain at High Field


19th December 2024, h 14:30, room 3G (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Luca Menghini (Università degli Studi di Padova; DPG)
Title: Workaholics' experiences and experiences of workaholism: Investigating work addiction with intensive longitudinal designs


13th November 2024, h 14:30, room 3F (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Lucia Regolin
Dr. Orsola Rosa-Salva (CIMeC, Università di Trento)
Title: Early attention to the motion of living agents in domestic chicks: a comparative approach to study (a)typical development of social cognition and its neural bases


10th October 2024, h 14:30, room 2C (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Silvia Benavides Varela
Prof. Diana Laurillard, UCL Knowledge Lab, London
Title: Giving teachers control over digital learning




21st May 2024, h 14:30, room 2A (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Eduardo Navarrete
Prof. Clara Martin, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, San Sebastián (Spain)
Title: How to optimize foreign accent in speech sound and word production


30th April 2024, h 14:30, room 3F (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Mario Bonato
Prof. Hirokazu Doi, AI and Data Science Research Promotion Center, Shiga University (Japan)
Title: Elucidation and AI-based Prediction of Individual Differences in Development of Human Social Behavior


16th April 2024, h 14:30, room 3F (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Peter Jonason
Prof. Jon Gruda, Católica Porto Business School
Title: From Coast to Coast, Country to Country: How population-level dark triad traits predict workplace Harassment


10th April 2024, h 9:30, room DPSS1 (PSICO 1 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Judit Gervain
Prof. Csaba Pléh, CEU Dept of Cognitive Science, Budapest
Title: Alternative explanations in history psychology. The complementary role of intellectual, social and personal contexts


9th April 2024, h 14:30, room 3F (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Francesca Peressotti
Prof. Janet Geipel, University of Exeter Business School, England
Title: To Read or To Listen: How Language Modality Influences Thinking


27th March 2024, h 11:30, room 3I (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Margherita Bianchi, Department of General Psychology, University of Padova
Title: Plants in cognitive science and philosophy of mind


28th February 2024, h 11:30, room 3I (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Angelo Bisazza
Prof. Dario Maestripieri, Institute for Mind and Biology, University of Chicago, US
Title: Explaining financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive people: interdisciplinary perspectives from behavioral economics, social psychology, and evolutionary biology


17th January 2024, h 14:30, room 3F (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Luigi Baciadonna, Institute of Biology Paris Seine (IBPS) Department of Neuroscience Paris Seine, Sorbonne University, France
Title: Multi-sensory individual recognition in African penguin


20th December 2023, h 12:30, room 3H (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Stefano Noventa, Methods Center of the University of Tübingen, Germany
Title: Toward a unified perspective on assessment models, a perspective on KST, CDA, and IRT?


22nd November 2023, h 12:30, room 3H (PSICO 2 building)
Dr. Veronica Muffato, RTDa - DPG, University of Padova
Title: Exploring spatial cognition: What factors relate to our navigation ability?


26th October 2023, h 16:30, room DPG1 (CLA building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Mario Bonato
Prof. Michael Andres, Psychological Sciences Research Institute, UCLouvain, Belgium
Title: Does the brain see double?


17th October 2023, h 14:30, room 2A (PSICO 2 building)
GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Gianluca Campana
Prof. Andrey Chetverikov, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen
Title: The puzzle of contextual biases: Why can’t we ignore irrelevant information?



1st March 2023, h 16:30, room 2C (PSICO 2 building)


Prof. Bert Reynvoet, KU Lueven

Title: Symbolic number ordering and its relation with math achievement


14th March 2023, h 13, room 3L (PSICO 2 building)


Dr. Maria Devita (RTDa), DPG

Title: Are we looking in the right place? The Cerebellum as early marker of neurodegenerative disorders


21st March 2023, h 13, room 3L (PSICO 2 building)


Dr. Tudor Popescu, DPG

Title: Music as an evolved bio-psycho-socio-cultural phenomenon


4th April 2023, h 13, room 3L (PSICO 2 building)


Dr. Flavia Gheller (RTDa), DPSS

Title: Noise effects on children’s cognitive performance and pupillometry as a measure of cognitive effort in children with normal and impaired hearing


12th April 2023, h 16:00, room 3H (PSICO 2 building)

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Dr. Giovanna Mioni

Prof. Malgorzata Sobol, Department of Psychology, University of Warsaw

Title: Time perspective and pain


18th April 2023, h 13.00, room 3L (PSICO 2 building)


Prof. Nicky Edelstyn – Keele University

Title: Disordered Emotional Regulation, Maladaptive Coping Styles and Impulsivity: Risk factors for pathological gambling, hypersexuality, pathological buying and emotional eating.


26th April 2023, h 15:30, room 3H (PSICO 2 building)

LECTIO MAGISTRALIS hosted by Prof. Francesco Vespignani

Prof. Adrian Staub, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Title: The reliability of individual differences in experimental effects: The case of eye movements in reading


9th May 2023, h 13, room 3L (PSICO 2 building)


Dr. Johann Kleinbub (RTDb), FISPPA

Title: Physiological Synchronization in the Clinical Relationship


6th June 2023, h 13, room DPSS1 (PSICO 1 building)

Prof. Anne Schüler, Leibnitz-Institute für Wissensmedien (Knowledge Media Research Center), Tübingen, Germany

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Lucia Mason

Title: Specifying the Cognitive Processes Underlying the Processing of Multimedia Materials


15 June 2023, h 15:00, room 2C (PSICO 2 building)

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Massimo Grassi

Prof. Stefan Koelsch, University of Bergen (Norway)

Title: Good Vibrations -- Neurobiological and Therapeutic Effects of Music


20th June 2023, h 12, room 3H (PSICO 2 building)

Prof. Arne Lervåg (Department of Education, University of Oslo) & Prof. Monica Melby-Lervåg (Department of Special needs education, University of Oslo)

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Irene Mammarella e Dr. Sara Caviola

Title: Early math and reading skills: A meta-analysis and random intercept cross-lagged panel models


7th July 2023, h 11:30, room 3I (PSICO 2 building)

Dr. Ilaria Berteletti (Gallaudet University, Washington, US)

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Dr. Mariagrazia Ranzini

Title: The role of language modality on the neuro-cognitive processes supporting number acquisition and arithmetic processing




23rd February 2022, 4:30 pm.


Dr. Luca Battaglini – RTDb – DPG

Title: Psychophysics, Vision and Training


2nd March 2022, 4:30 pm.


Prof. Daniel Lakens – Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology

Title: The New Heuristics, and Good Statistics


30thMarch 2022, 4:30 pm.


Dr. Sara Santilli – RTDb – FISPPA

Dr. Cristina Ginevra – RTDa – FISPPA

Title: The Psychology of Sustainability and Inclusion: Advancing decent work, wellbeing, social justice and equity  


6th April 2022, 4:30 pm.


Prof. Judit Gervain – DPSS

Title: Mechanism of early speech perception and language acquisition


27th April 2022, 4:30 pm.


Dr. Silvia Benavides Varela – RTDb – DPSS

Title: IN-MIND - INfant Memory IN Development: a window for understanding constraints and brain plasticity from birth.


4th May 2022, 4:30 pm.


Prof. Nicky Edelstyn – Keele University

Title: Motor impulsivity: A clinically relevant marker of impulsive compulsive behaviours in Parkinson' disease?


25th May 2022, 4:30 pm.


Prof. Ines Testoni – FISPPA

Title: From the nightmare of war to the dream that heals: the experience of psychological intervention with Ukrainian refugee children


12th October 2022, h13


AIP 2022

The organizing committee of the AIP conference will present some data and pictures concerning the latest meeting in Padova


9th November 2022, h13

Prof. Claudio Gentili (DPG) + Dr. Cinzia Cecchetto (DPG)

Title: Human chemosignals and affective disorders: how individuals with depressive and social anxiety symptoms perceive social olfactory cues


30th November 2022, h15.30 room 4P

GUEST LECTURE hosted by Prof. Chiara Meneghetti

Prof. Samuel Greiff, Université du Luxembourg

Title: How to Enhance Testing & Learning: Technology-Based Assessment in the 21st Century


14th December 2022, h13


Laurence Fedrigo, University of Lausanne

Title: Social and professional integration of refugee persons in Switzerland


11th January 2023, h13




8th February 2023, h13


Dr. Michele Scaltritti, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento

Title: From Decision to Action: Decisional Components in Motor Response Execution


Psycho Club Seminar Formats


Informal presentation by new researchers, who will introduce themselves and talk about their present and/or future research projects.


Keynote lecture by a national or an international scholar, on a specific topic for a broad Psychology audience.


Presentation on a topic of particular interest in the form of a debate or round table.


Presentation of a research project before submission, to gather feedback from colleagues, or presentation of a funded project to share with colleagues the experience that led to the positive outcome.


Presentation of a research laboratory, the team, its lines of research, objectives and achievements.