Final dissertation and thesis submission
In order to obtain your degree you must sit a final examination. The final examination consists of a written thesis the student submits and defends to the Degree Commission during the graduation session.
The thesis is the result of bibliographic or experimental research carried out under the supervision of a thesis supervisor on a topic relevant for your study field.
It is the first fundamental step: having a thesis supervisor. The supervisor is the person who will oversee the progress of the thesis work: they must be a professor of a teaching course at the School of Psychology. By this procedure a professor will accept to be your supervisor. You will graduate later when the supervisor agrees the thesis is complete by a further application in Uniweb.
The procedure to apply for a supervisor is available from 2nd September 2024 at 12am to 18th July 2025 at 12am. The system will close during the periods 07/12/2024-07/01/2025, 12/04/2025-28/04/2025 and 19/07/2025-31/08/2025.
Once you have found your supervisor and reached 90 credits (bachelor students) or 24 credits (master students) you will have to submit the thesis supervisor request through the on-line form available at: Informazioni per la programmazione delle attività didattiche. It is strongly suggested to first get contact with the professor to preliminary discuss the potential topics of your thesis.
Professors have 10 days to evaluate your application. If accepted, proceed promptly to contact your supervisor to agree on the next steps.
To graduate, you must register for graduation according to the procedure in the section “Diploma attainment” on Uniweb.
The procedure includes the following steps:
- inserting the final dissertation information;
- filling in the Almalaurea questionnaire;
- obtaining the approval of the dissertation title by your supervisor;
- registering for graduation by choosing when to graduate.
At this point, your application is submitted and you will find the payment notice of € 16.00 revenue stamp in the section “Contributions” on Uniweb.
It is important to register for graduation on Uniweb according to the deadlines for each graduation session.